The next time you do yard work, you might want to consider something that takes less time and money to maintain than a lawn. Wouldn't it be nice not to have to mow every week to keep the neighbors happy? Those water bills in the summer can get outrageous. What if you could make your garden maintain itself? You could just come home, pick a few vegetables for dinner on your way in, and have curb appeal that would be the envy of the neighborhood!
In 1959, a scientist in Australia was studying animals browsing for food in a forest and wrote in his journal "I believe that we could build systems that would function [for humans] as well as this one does." Bill Mollison went on to coin the therm permaculture by combining the words permanent and agriculture.
We suburbanites love our lawns. But now that life has gotten more busy, we have started to replace them with rock gardens and cyprus bushes. There is a more aesthetic and productive way to avoid mowing and save water. Read on for tips on how!
According to Penny Livingston of the Permaculture Institute of Northern California, "The most important permaculture tool is a hammock. First relax, observe, and think." The time you spend in your garden should be considering how to make natural systems work for you. Not performing back-breaking labor to fight against those systems.
No need to reinvent the wheel here. The plants, insects and animals in your back yard have had centuries of practice at becoming prolific. How to observe and manipulate their natural tendencies has been well documented by many scientists and gardeners.
Plant communities are a key concept in permaculture. Ordinarily in our fruit and vegetable gardens, we strive to produce a single crop in one place. Then we are constantly pulling weeds to assure that crop is the only plant in the area. Instead, try making sure the "weeds" around your crop are plants you want to use. Then combine plants that work together and compliment each other.
For instance, take a look at your rose bushes from your hammock. What if all that grass you keep yanking from underneath were a crop of chives? Not only would you have something to sprinkle over your next baked potato, the insects that want to eat the aphids will have a place to live, and they will trade nutrients in the soil that prevent black spot and mildew.
There are many other examples of plant communities to consider. Try searching for "companion plants" on the internet or look into some of the suggested reading at the end of this article.
We live in a Mediterranean climate here in Silicon Valley. Lawns make sense for an Irish shepherd, but not for a Californian programmer. “We make sure to point out to our clients that they are leaders in their neighborhood” says Arlie. She has noticed that her clients tend to be neighborhood trend setters. “After about two years, the yard becomes well established, attracts wildlife, and thrives without pesticides and regular watering. The rest of the neighborhood starts to follow suit.”
Sometimes following the dictates of your climate can look more traditional than a traditional yard.

"I have heard landscape designers lament the jobs given them by Realtors" Fred Bové informed me on a recent visit to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens. Fred is the director of adult education there, and very involved in the 12 week permaculture design certification course there. "When you list a home for sale, you hire landscapers to quickly and cheaply stage a yard with splashes of color that will only last for the few months that the home is listed."
I can see his point. After the decision to sell a home is made, we have a time schedule to follow. Sure, it is possible to hire a permaculture landscape designer to help you leave a place better than you found it. You can find their contact information at the end of this article. Paying for permaculture should be more like paying for an education. The more it is used, the more valuable it is.
Think of your yard when you are not thinking of moving. I know it is difficult with the need for two full time incomes to run a family to consider anything but your immediate needs. Try not to think of your yard as something that needs to be conquered. “A permaculture garden is not something that can be completed by this Saturday” says Fred Bové. “I think the proliferation of things like yoga classes prove that society is turning from warrior mode to lover mode.” Think in time with nature while spending time in your garden. Do not tackle the whole yard. Just change that one little thing you noticed while in your hammock.
Local Resources:
(contact me to be added to this list)
Middlebrook Gardens
Permaculture with a local ecology restoring twist.
76 Race Street
San Jose, CA 95126
Common Ground
Garden supply and education
559 College Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 49306
SF Botanical Gardens
Education and Certification
9th Avenue at Lincoln Way
San Francisco, CA 94122
SF Landscapes
Professional landscape designers that have graduated from the SFBG certification course
Casey Allen / Brett Stephens / David Cody
(415) 585-9137
Debra Lundsford Designs
Profesional landscape designer that has graduated from the SFBG certification course
(415) 647-8356
Further Reading:
Gaia's Garden
A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
by Toby Hemenway
This is the most referred to book for permaculture in suburbia, and my own personal favorite on the subject.
Introduction to Permaculture
by Bill Molison
Written by the founder of permaculture, with broad enough concepts to be implemented in any climate.
Urban Permaculture Guild
Bay area projects and activism with a calendar of events.
National Sustainable Agriculture Information website
Other Media
Permaculture Movies
All collected for free viewing through streaming media
Permaculture Magazine
Based out of the UK, but the oldest permaculture periodical, and well respected.
I know that herb spiral!
Yep! We gots a brick one in our backyard.
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